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Ber Wiss ; 43(4): 542-559, 2020 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-33289133


In 1969, a few short months after the Warsaw Pact invasion of Czechoslovakia, Sergei I. Prasolov, advisor to the Soviet Ambassador in Prague, informed Frantisek Sorm, President of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, at a formal meeting that he welcomed Sorm's suggestion to intensify scientific exchange between Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union. Sorm politely declined this offer. Behind the veneer of diplomatic courtesy on the part of both actors, a real drama was taking place. Sorm and the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences had actually never formulated such a request. To the contrary, since the late 1950s the academy had repeatedly pointed out that the Soviets were incapable of coordinating scientific activities in the Eastern Bloc. The Soviet system of academic cooperation within the Eastern Bloc had already begun to collapse after the Geneva Summit of 1955, where the Soviets opened the door to international collaboration across the Iron Curtain. Yet it was only in the late 1960s that the Soviets realized that while they dominated large-scale international collaboration, they had lost control of internal developments within the Eastern Bloc.

NTM ; 28(1): 1-33, 2020 Mar.
Artigo em Alemão | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-32055872


The paper uses the example of historical paper research in Vienna around 1900 in order to analyze the dynamics of scientific cooperation between the natural sciences and the humanities. It focuses on the Vienna-based plant physiologist Julius Wiesner (1838-1916), who from 1884 to 1911 studied medieval paper manuscripts under the microscope in productive cooperation with paleographers, archaeologists and orientalists (Josef Karabacek, Marc Aurel Stein, Rudolf Hoernle). The paper examines why these cooperations succeeded and how they developed over time. Here we distinguish between two forms of cooperation: while Wiesner initially worked only reactively, in a "closed cooperation", he later entered into "open cooperations", in which both parties defined research questions and methods. This form of cooperation proved particularly successful, but at the same time was especially demanding because, in addition to contributing one's own skills, it required considerable "interlocking expertise" (Andersen 2016). This was favored because the historical auxiliary sciences were in a phase of upheaval. Wiesner contributed his knowledge of technical microscopy and developed a genuine interest in historical questions, while the humanists were prepared to open themselves to scientific processes and ultimately acknowledged Wiesner as a historian of paper in his own right.

Pesqui. prát. psicossociais ; 11(1): 200-213, jun. 2016.
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-791746


Através de uma perspectiva situada, este relato de pesquisa discutirá as controvérsias e alianças que permearam o processo de institucionalização da farmácia e odontologia em São Paulo na Primeira República. Tais grupos pretendiam se estabelecer como áreas separadas da medicina e, para tanto, buscaram firmar alianças: fundando suas sociedades científicas, como a Sociedade Farmacêutica Paulista (1895) e a Sociedade Odontológica Paulista (1903), bem como, veiculando seus periódicos específicos. Destaca-se que tais profissões se mostraram permeáveis à presença de mulheres, sobretudo após a criação da Escola de Farmácia no ano de 1898. Dessa forma, pretende-se compreender as questões de gênero que atravessaram esse processo de institucionalização. Procura-se discutir de que maneira a presença dessas agentes promove novos direcionamentos e problemas em relação às concepções ascéticas e 'objetivas' de ciência que farmacêuticos e dentistas pretendiam mobilizar.

Through a situated perspective, this research discusses the controversies and alliances that permeated the process of institutionalization of pharmacy and dentistry in São Paulo at the First Republic. These groups wanted to establish themselves as separated disciplines of medicine; therefore, they made alliances, such as the foundation of their scientific societies: the Paulista Pharmaceutical Society (1895) and the Paulista Dental Society (1903) as well, they published specific journals. These professions showed to be more permeable to the presence of women, especially after the creation of the School of Pharmacy in 1898 in Sao Paulo. In this way, it is also intended to understand how gender issues have made part in this process of institutionalization. It discusses how the presence of these agents promoted new directions and problems in the purified field of the ascetic's conceptions and 'objective' science that pharmacists and dentists sought to raise.

A través de una perspectiva situada, esta investigación analiza las controversias y alianzas que permearon el proceso de institucionalización de la farmacia y odontología en São Paulo durante la Primera República. Estos grupos querían establecerse como áreas separadas de la medicina, por lo tanto, trataron de hacer sus alianzas: fundando sociedades científicas, tales como la Sociedad Paulista Farmacéutica (1895) y la Sociedad Dental Paulista (1903), así, publicando sus revistas específicas. Tales profesiones se mostraron más permeables a la presencia de las mujeres, especialmente después de la creación de la Facultad de Farmacia en 1898 en Sao Paulo. De esta manera, también se pretende comprender las cuestiones de género que atravesaron este proceso de institucionalización. Se busca analizar cómo la presencia de estos agentes promovió nuevas direcciones y discusiones respecto a las concepciones ascéticas y de ciencia "objetiva" que los farmacéuticos y dentistas buscaban movilizar.

Identidade de Gênero , Farmácia , Ciência/história , Odontologia , História do Século XIX , Sexismo , Direito ao Trabalho
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 16(3): 779-788, jul.-set. 2009. ilus, tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS | ID: lil-527316


Relata o processo de elaboração da biblioteca virtual dedicada à vida e obra de Carlos Chagas Filho. A pesquisa foi realizada no arquivo do próprio cientista e no de algumas instituições científicas e culturais em que ele atuou como membro e/ou dirigente. Os resultados obtidos até o momento demonstram que as informações e os documentos coletados contribuem para o conhecimento da prática científica no Brasil ao longo do século XX, bem como revelam suas interações com os movimentos das ciências biomédicas no exterior.

The article reports on the process of compiling a virtual library centered on the life and work of Carlos Chagas Filho. The research has included both the scientist's own archives as well as those of some scientific and cultural institutions where he was an active member or leader. Results on the information and documents collected to date show that these contribute to an understanding both of twentieth-century scientific practice in Brazil and of its interaction with movements in the biomedical sciences abroad.

Humanos , Ciência/história , Saúde Pública/história , Bibliotecas Digitais , Arquivos , Brasil , Disseminação de Informação , Documentação